2011년 5월 2일 월요일

Social Media+Power

     Social media, such as Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, played a role in energizing the bottom-up democracy movement in Egypt. Protesters there urged Hosni Mubarak, who has been in power for nearly 30 years, to step down.
     But Egypt is not the only government that restricted the people’s right to access information. The Iranian authorities took similar measures in 2009 shortly after the presidential election as citizens and activists organized rallies against the government for alleged election frauds. Myanmar and one of China’s provinces also did the same in the past.
     I think social media enabled ordinary people to connect with activists calling for freedom and improvement in human rights conditions in the region. This made it easier for activists to organize anti-government protests.

댓글 1개:

  1. Hey Jenna,
    don't forget to summarize or paraphrase the article!! :))))
